

Know the secret of love and perfect taste of an exclusive blend of romantic
Exclusive Ceylon blend based on the best varieties of black tea with the addition of petals of tropical roses. Bright unique taste and soft hop aroma gives the drink a truly with what incomparable pleasure. Through a combination of different qualities and properties of tea is popular as the traditional tea party, and for special romantic moments. Excellence taste and tonic effect of the beverage filled with new sensations discover the mysteries of love and romance.

Черный листовой цейлонский чай с ароматом розы – БОП1
Упакован в фольгу и в жестяные банки по 100 г. / 200 г. / 450 г.
В продажу поступает в ящиках: 36 банок по 100 г.; 24 банки по 200 г.; 18 банок по 450 г.

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