
Green Tea Soursop

Green Tea Soursop

Exclusive green tea with bright taste of exotic fruit soursop
Elite Ceylon tea “green powder” with the scent of tropical fruit soursop. It grows only in the south of Sri Lanka and is known for its property to quench their thirst and cool. A true recipe for this delicious tea opened firm Unicom. Sour taste and aroma of soursop give green tea an extraordinary taste, making it one of the most popular at the moment. Green Soursop – a real pride Randy Tea House.

Элитный зеленый цейлонский чай с ароматом саусеп – зеленый порох
Упакован в фольгу и в жестяные банки по 100 г. / 200 г.
В продажу поступает в ящиках: 36 банок по 100 г.; 24 банки по 200 г.

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