
Green Tea GP Ex.Sp.

Green Tea GP Ex.Sp.
Large leaf green tea with rich taste and aroma
Green powder special – an elite kind of Ceylon green tea with a pleasant aroma collected in the highlands of Kandy. The name “green powder” appeared in the XVIII century, it came up with the British because of the fact that the tea leaves are curled tightly into small balls that are similar to the powder core. In hot water, these small nucleoli revealed, turning into green leaves. Tea Randy «Green gunpowder special” perfectly quenches thirst, relieves daily stress and has healing properties.

Элитный зеленый цейлонский чай – зеленый порох
Упакован в фольгу и в жестяные банки по 100 г. / 200 г.
В продажу поступает в ящиках: 36 банок по 100 г.; 24 банки по 200 г.

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