
Earl Grey – Pekoe

Earl Grey - Pekoe
Noble exquisite leaf tea c bergamot flavor
According to legend, the English politician Charles Grey, while in China, to provide services to one of the close of the emperor and was rewarded for this recipe delicious tea.
The classic blend of excellent Ceylon tea Pekoe grade citrus and bergamot flavor has become a favorite among connoisseurs of fine taste. It intertwines flavors of orange, lemon and bergamot.

Черный крупнолистовой цейлонский чай с маслом бергамота – ПЕКОЕ
Упакован в фольгу и в жестяные банки по 100г / 200г
В продажу поступает в ящиках: 36 банок по 100г ; 24 банки по 200г.

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