
Connoisseur Choice

Earl Grey – FBOP
Elite Earl Grey tea with bergamot flavor
Classic English tea with natural bergamot oil, grown in the highlands plantations. The recipe of this tea was born in the nineteenth century, when during a storm bergamot oil spilled in the hold of a tea clipper. Impregnated with fragrant oil, tea has gained a unique taste and aroma. Since then, the Earl Grey found millions of fans and conquered the whole world.

Черный цейлонский среднелистовой чай с ароматом бергамота – ФБОП
Упакован в фольгу и в картонные коробки по 100 г. / 200 г.
В продажу поступает в ящиках: 36 коробок по 100г.; 24 коробки по 200 г.

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